Salama Islamic Arab Insurance Co. (P.S.C.) - Family Care - Silver Premium - 20% Max AED 50 deductible

Salama Islamic Arab Insurance Co. (P.S.C.)
Yearly Cover
AED 1,000,000.00
20% co-pay with a maximum of AED 50 per OP consultation
Chronic Conditions
Covered up to AED 150,000 (with pre-existing conditions)
Pre-Existing Conditions
Not Covered


Ambulance Coverage
Covered for in-patient treatment with pre-authorization
Hospital Accomodation
Private Room with pre-authorization
Hospital Cash Benefit
Not Covered
Parent Accomodation
Covered with pre-authorization


Covered for children up to 6 years with pre-authorization
Covered with pre-authorization; up to 15 sessions for out-patient treatment
Covered; pre-authorization required for in-patient treatment & out-patient CT & MRI scans
Health Checks
Diabetes screening covered once every year for members over 18 years
Psychiatric Treatment
Not Covered
Alternative Medicine
Up to AED 1,600 on reimbursement basis
Prescription Drugs
Not Covered
Network Coverage
180 Hospitals
1128 Clinics
74 Laboratories
1947 Pharmacies
37 Dentals
0 Optics
Treatment Outside Area of Cover
Not Covered
Treatment Outside Network
For elective treatment 80% of covered cost (100% for South-East Asia) subject to network rates on reimbursement basis
Pregnancy Cover
Covered with 10% co-pay; up to AED 10,000 for normal delivery and AED 10,000 for medically essential C-section & complications; up to AED 150,000 in case of an emergency; preauthorization required for in-patient treatment
Newborn Baby Cover
Covered; baby born outside UAE covered after acquiring UAE residency status
Natal Complications
Covered with 10% co-pay; pre-authorization required for inpatient treatment
Dental Coverage
Up to AED 3,500 with pre-authorization & 20% co-pay on direct billing (additional 20% co-payment on reimbursement)
Accidental Damage to Teeth
Covered if treated within 3 months