Letter requests
Automate letter requests and create your own customized ready-to-use letter templates accessible to your employees through the Bayzat mobile application.
Trusted by 3,000+ Companies in the GCC

Automate custom letter creation
Remove the stress from having to view and edit each letter. With Bayzat’s letter request feature, all data is custom set, eliminating errors on official letter creation in addition to saving time on HR admin tasks. Simply upload your data to Bayzat and we’ll create a readymade template that’s easy to download and share with your people.

Advanced approval
Admins can approve custom letter templates in minutes via the Bayzat platform. Even better, employees will be able to see whether the letter request has been approved or rejected.

Save employees' time
Employees can easily submit requests, track outcomes and download signed letters all through the Bayzat app.

Readymade letter templates
All letter templates are customized and ready to be sent for signature from authorized signatories once approved by the HR manager.

The letter request feature has been an absolute gamechanger. We can now simply just set up a few custom letter templates that are requested frequently and our Employees are able to request these through the app and download the letter once approved. This feature has genuinely saved our HR team hours of unnecessary admin work.
Business owner, Fuchsia Restaurant
Our all-in-one HR & employee benefits platform allows you to:
Run payroll in minutes and pay your employees faster than they can say pay day.
Manage leave requests, allowance, history and any overlaps.
Automate the entire payroll and bookkeeping process with our Payroll Accounting Integration.
Allow your employees to check-in from their smartphones.
Create achievable and trackable goals for your employees and give them feedback in a timely manner.